Monday, March 3, 2014

"This Is A Pie Chart Describing My Favorite Bars"

(Can we just ignore that I haven't written in forever?  Awesome, let's move on.)

So as I write this, I am six months shy of turning 30.  And despite being pretty proud of myself for co-running a household that has never run out of toilet paper, certain recent life events have reminded me that my shit is decidedly un-together.  And I've heard that 30 is where life begins, and I want to reach that landmark with a little bit of life savvy and grown-upness in tow.

I spent an evening comparison shopping fireproof safes.  I opened a savings account for the first time since high school.  I bought a Moleskine notebook as those are obviously academic and adult.  I've been wearing pigtails as much as possible, because I had a friend in college who said women over 30 should never wear pigtails and that stuck with me in a very weird way.  You know, standard "Leaving Your Twenties Bucket List" items.

I have never been good with finances.  Part of this, I attribute to the fact that most of my earnings are cash, I get paid immediately, and there is no way for me to really ascertain how much money I will make on a particular day.  I'm trying.  I'm using the old envelope method, compartmentalizing my cash into oblivion.  But I'm not tracking anything.

My nerd has been sick and trapped inside our (toilet paper stocked) apartment for days, and I think he went a little stir crazy.  I went to work yesterday, and got a text from him with a spreadsheet attached.  In his quest for productivity, the man made me a detailed spending/saving/earning Numbers Document.  I just "input the data" in the boxes at the end of the day, and that's it!  I'm told that once I put in enough numbers, there will be charts.

When we first started dating, I told my nerd that I didn't like receiving flowers.  (Note to past self: Never tell a guy you don't like getting flowers, as you will never get flowers again.)  There's an illustrative story I could tell, and may at a later date, but basically, I think that flowers are generic, and I prefer a more personally tailored romance.  Why flowers when I can come home and my favorite beer is in the fridge?  Why flowers when I leave for work before he's up and I return and he's sloppily made the bed?  Why flowers when he gets dessert from our favorite neighborhood bakery?  

Why flowers when he spends a sick day making a freaking budgeting system and making it available in the cloud so I can access it on all my devices?

Also, I love charts.  Probably as much as Marshall.

(via tumblr)

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